Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Learning to blog...

this is my first ever blog, and the concept is still very new to me. Although people are always saying how great technology is, and how much one can do with technology, I've never really understood how. I suppose that's why I signed up for the New South Wales Public Libraries Learning 2.0.

The main thing I'd like to learn from doing this program is the practical applications of all these new technologies. Wikis and podcasts still confuse me and I'd never even heard of mashups and RSS.

One of the prompt questions for the 2.0 course was "What do you think about Lifelong learning?". Well, I think it's fairly necessary. I can't imagine being able to function without actively trying to be a lifelong learner. It would be hard to find a job if one didn’t constantly try to learn more about one’s field.

Whenever I've heard of blogs before, it has been in the context of an online journal. I hadn't ever considered using it in a library until I saw those example blogs- particularly the Southern Tablelands History Matters http://strlhistorymatters.blogspot.com/ It's such a good idea of getting people interested in the topic area.

Hmmm, here's a new conundrum- how does one finish a blog posting? Is it the same as a letter?

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